Back Pain - Some Clues to Discovering the Cause

Your back could be bothering you for several different reasons. Currently we spend too much time bent over our computers and slouched in front of our televisions; which certainly is not a healthy situation for our backs. Exercise is a good thing as long as it is done properly, or you could injure your back.

We will delve into some of the issues that may cause these sorts of back stress.

It seems as though being too fat gets blamed for a lot of health problems - and justifiably so - and back pain is on the list of issues that can result from being overweight. Your spine cannot tolerate the strain of trying to keep your body balanced when you have extra weight. This is really a problem when your weight is around your middle. Common sense will tell you that the more extra weight you carry, the harder it is on your spine and back. Back problems are just one of the many dangers of being overweight. If at all possible, reduce your weight to a normal, healthy level. When you exercise, it helps strengthen your back and abdomen, giving your back more support. This may not only help reduce your back pain, but can be an aid to reducing your weight as well. You should concentrate on getting rid of your excess abdominal fat - belly fat - and watch what you eat. Some foods are better for reducing belly fat than others, and belly fat is the fat most likely to cause you back pain.

One other probable cause for back pain is if you carry around a briefcase or backpack that is considerably heavy on one side or the other. The distribution of the weight, and the way you carry this bag, factors into the damage that occurs. A prime example of how this can affect many women is that some of them carry their purse on one side more than the other. If possible, carry less with you at any one time. If you travel a lot, and you take a suitcase with you, always use one that works by using wheels. Today, many people are using bags and cases that can be rolled for everyday use, as it's a lot easier on your back than carrying everything around.

For some people with specific health issues, back pain can show up navigate to this site as a side effect. If you have diabetes, you may have pain in many areas of your body, and back pain is just one you might experience. This is caused by the negative effect that diabetes has on the immune system. There are many nerve disorders - called neuropathy - that can occur with diabetes. This can result in pain in many parts of the body, and this often includes the back. If you have diabetes, it's very important to control your blood glucose, and doing this can help avoid this type of neuropathy, or nerve pain. Getting rid of your excess weight will not only help you control your diabetes but, as mentioned above, can help alleviate back pain due to stress on your spine. It's not easy to live with chronic back pain. Even getting up in the mornings can seem like a major chore. So, being knowledgeable as to what is behind your back pain can help you to find this avoid these instances in the future. The first step, of course, is to take care of any medical conditions that could lead, or contribute, to your back pain. If it's not a side effect of an illness, then try this out it's time to take a long, hard look at your life and try to determine what you might be doing - or not doing - that is causing your back pain.

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